torsdag den 30. april 2009

Simple tense vs. Progressive tense - Group Work

"Kelly The Silent Girl"

Mads, Ida, Tea, Mette and Tenna created this cartoon.

onsdag den 29. april 2009

Sang med udvidet tid

Signe, Liselotte, Lonne, Ann-Sofie and Nadja also created this cartoon.

Vi har valgt Tom's Diner, fordi den har mange sætninger skrevet i udvidet tid. Vi lægger kun de første fire vers ind, da den er ret lang.

I am sitting
in the morning
at the diner
on the corner

I am waiting
at the counter
for the man
to pour the coffee

and he fills it
only halfway
and before
I even argue

he is looking
out the window
at somebody
coming in

Video About the Progressive Tense - Post-sync! :-)

Sebastian, Christian and Bjarke (in the background dubbing..) created this mini video about the Progressive Tense.

Simple tense vs. Progressive tense - Group Work

Two groups using their artistic intelligence to create cartoons illustrating the difference between the simple and the progressive tense.

Anne Marie, Emilie, Katrine O and Mie working on their cartoon.

Daniel, Tue, Dennis, Frederik and Morten working on the cartoon you can see above.

Udvidet tid og simpel tid - Tegneserie

Gustav, Katrine H, Molly and Line working on their cartoon.

Today we made comics in the class.
This is ours!


Udvidet nutid = (Be) Am/is/are + ing

Udvidet datid = (Be) Was/were + ing

Udvidet før nutid = (Be) Has/have + been + ing

Udvidet før datid = (Be) Had + been + ing

Udvidet fremtid = Will + be + ing
Datid med modalverbe.

Et eksempel : Jimmy should be in bed by now.

Hovedverbet skal være infinitiv.

Hilsen Mie, Daniel og Frederik.

tirsdag den 28. april 2009

The Simple Tense vs. The Progressive Tense - Now on Youtube!

Who says grammar can't be fun? Well, that grammar can indeed be fun is excactly what we are trying to prove with this class blog.

Today's grammatical topic is the simple versus the progressive tense and we will work with five different ways of learning or five different types of intelligence if you like. These are:

The mathematical / logical intelligence
The artistic / creative intelligence (pictures / drawing)
The linguistic intelligence (language)
The artistic intelligence (music)
The bodily intelligence (movement)

Furthermore, we will use youtube to educate us about grammar. Check out these very educational AND fun videos where the Road Runner, Coyote, and The Simpsons help us out:

Have fun!

Idags lektion.

Idag lærte ved noget om datid, nutid osv.. Vi havde et lille løb. Vi var to hold, og vi skulle finde ud af hvilken tid sætningen, vi fik læst op, var i.
Desværre vandt hold 1. (:

Men idag var meget sjov og lærig.
- værsgo at skrive jeres indlæg. :p

Our Lesson on Helping verbs in English - With Pictures! :-)

Thanks a lot to our "bridge building" camera team, Tea and Helle, for providing the pictures :-)

Identify the verbal tense in the sentence read aloud.. and run for it!!

Putting up sheets of paper with different verbal tenses

Mette and Frederik racing for the finish line! Who's the first to pick out the correct tense?

Udvidet tid

Udvidet tid består af et hjælpeverbum (to be) og et hovedverbum (lang tillægsform: "-ing").
Her er to ret gode eksempler:
Katrine, Gustav, Anne M and Molly is studying very hard.
The students was the best in class.

Our best regards

Gustav, Katrine H, Anne M and Molly!

Det er BE det er hjælpeverbum som skal efterfølges af hovedverbum i kort tillægsform.
He is run over by a car - To BE run over.
He was killed by a dog - To BE killed.

Nutid m. modalverbum

Nutid m. modalverbum bliver dannet af et hjælpeverbum, enten; can, may, must, will, shall, ought to + infinitiv

F.eks.; I will come home soon
Will er hjælpeverbummet, der KUN kan bøjes i nutid og datid og come er infinitiv.

Signe, Ann-Sofie, Liselotte og Lonne

Før Datid

Før datid dannes ved hjælp af hjælpe verbummet "To have" plus at hoved verbummet skal være i kort tillægsform eksempel vis: "He had run yesterday"

Dette laves ved hjælp af et hjælpeverbum og et hovedverbum.

Hjælpeverbumet er en form af Do, som f.eks. do, does og did. Udsagnsordet bliver bøjet afhængig af tiden.
Når dette udsagsnord står der, skal hovedverbumet stå i infinitiv, hvilket vil sige "at form", som kunne være. "to work".

He does not play music because he like it, but because he have to.

They did get their money back.

Før Nutid

Før nutid af Amalie, Bjarke og Nadja

Man danner før nutid ved at sætte et hjælpeverbum foran (to have i nutid) hovedverbummet. Hovedverbummet skal være i kort tillægsform.


I have been in Germany

He has done something wrong

onsdag den 22. april 2009

Pictures from our Lesson on Concord

The students are tested in concord in a game where post-its
mark their identities as e.g. "My brother", "News", "People".

Playing the Concord Memory Came in class. The students have to pair
subjekt and verballed correctly.

Evaluating our lesson

So what did you think of today's lesson?
The topic was concord / kongruens.

tirsdag den 21. april 2009

More from our Syntacs Lesson - Now with Buzz Word Hat

Analyzing the sentence "It was a special type because Malia is allergic to dogs"
Note the "Buzz Word Hat" on Nadja's head! What's up with her word "was"?

The "Buzz Word Hat" (here beautifylly displayed by Ida) designed to mark special verbs which influence the sentence structure.


1. Forms of TO GIVE, TO SEND, TO SHOW, TO LEND, TO TELL often take two objects, direct and indirect object (direkte og indirekte objekt)

E.g. They showed me (indirect object) their new car (direct object)

E.g. The bank lend Peter (indirect object) some money (direct object)

2. Forms of TO MAKE, TO CALL, TO REGARD, TO ELECT, TO CONSIDER, TO SEE often take object predicate (objektsprædikat)

E.g. The other children called her (direct object) stupid (object predicate)

E.g. We regarded him (direct object) as the greatest actor of his time (object predicate)

3. Forms of TO BE, TO SEEM, TO APPEAR, TO LOOK, TO SOUND, TO FEEL, TO SMELL, TO TASTE, TO BECOME, TO GET often take subject predicate (subjectsprædikat)

E.g. The weather is horrible (subject predicate)

E.g. The pizza smells good (subject predicate)

Syntacs Lesson

Pictures from our lesson on syntacs. Analyzing sentences morphologically and syntacically.
Here 1dEN is analyzing the sentence "Ted Kennedy gave Obama's two daughters a black dog yesterday."
Note the "Buzz Word Hat" on Ida's head.. What's up with the word "gave"?

We like hat! - By amalie and bjarke

Oh the hat,
how we love that,
We analyzed words,
because we're nerds!


Love it

This was so cool!

2nd Lesson

Here you can evaluate our second lesson on syntacs

onsdag den 15. april 2009

Video Clip from the Morphology Lesson

Pictures from our morphology lesson

Students testing their knowledge about morphology on Quizlet

Watching and listening to grammar songs and cartoons from Youtube.

A very focused group of students...

Evaluating our first lesson

So what did you think of this first lesson?
Pleace leave your comments here and feel free to critizise, make suggestions or whatever you feel like. ;-)

Adverbier / biord

Ja Hvor skal vi begynde. Vi har at gøre med adverbier.
Adverbier lægger sig til

Andre Adverbier
Og hele sætninger.

Desuden har Adverbier ofte, men ikke altid tid ly endelser.

Eksempel på en sætning med et Adverbie. Det er mærkeret med fed.

Frederik is very bad at shawing.

Skrevet af Mads, Sebastian, Morten, Daniel og Frederik
• Binde ord sammen
• Binde sætninger sammen
• Binde udtryk sammen

- De mest almindelige konjunktioner er:
and, or, but, either, nor, neither, when, where, if, however, even though, because, nontheless, for, yet, so,

Sætnings eksempel:
If we are going to the beach because of you then neither of us want to go.

Vejledning til verber


'Actions words' der kan beskrive handlinger men også tilstande uden bevægelse.

Man kan sætte at og jeg foran på engelsk to og I.

Her er en sætning med et 'action word'- verbum:
He runs.

Her er en sætning med både verbum og hjælpeverbum.
He can run.

Alt vi gør på denne jord kalder vi for udsagnsord. = Verbum

Hilsen fra Tea, Ann-Sofie, Signe og Tenna :)

Amalie, Freddie og Bjarkes übercool præpositioner

Hej gutter, nu skal i høre lidt om præpositioner..
Præpositioner er små herlige ord, der fortæller noget om tings placering (f.eks "on top of", "next to" osv). De kan også bruges til at binde ord sammen! Er det ikke smart? F.eks "going TO bed" "shooting someone IN the head" osv osv..

Brug bolden - tænk på kassen!

Her er en kasse med nogle præpositioner:

Eksempel, på sætning med præpositioner:
"the keys were under the table, but the man looked in the drawer..."

Pronominer (stedord) Anne Marie & Gustav

Der findes mange former for pronomier (stedord)
Pronominer kan bruges til at erstatte eller stå i stedet for, i stedet for at bruge egenavne kan man fx bruge he, she , they, those -> dette er pronomier.
Harald Kingston Hanson and Cathrine Johnson went for a walk -> They went for a walk
Pronominer kan også erstatte navneord
fx. The dog was very mad at the owner -> It was very mad at him
Der findes også spørgende og henførende pronominer som who, which, that, whom, whose.


Adjektiver beskriver navneord. Her er et eksempel: It is a big flower
Her er et andet godt eksempel: Katrine H, Katrine O, Mie S and Molly are very pretty

Regelmæssige adjektiver kan bøjes i tre former, fx. stor - større - størst.
Ved uregelmæssige adjektiver ændres det: gammel - ældre - ældst.


- Kan sætte en artikel foran
- Alt hvad man ser
- Personer, steder, ting og ideer (freedom, kindness, love)
- Generelle begreber som flaske, kop, mor
- Egenavn: Svendborg

Love is like the wind

Lonne, Nadja, Mette og Liselotte

tirsdag den 14. april 2009

1. lesson - Cool Grammar

Read carefully the document called "styr på begreberne Morfologi.doc" which you can find in your English room at Fronter.

In class:
Focus will be on learning the word classes (Latin terms) which will enable you to analyze every sentence morphologically. This will serve as a fundation on which we will build in our second lesson. Here focus will be on analyzing sentences syntactically.

Presenting 1d EN

Hello there 1.D

Hi 1.d my name is Mads, i look foward to posting on this blog. :D

From Mie J and Katrine O.

Hi 1.d
We are very excited about this blog.
We look forward to many hours with cool grammar ;).
Lot of love from us.

mandag den 13. april 2009

Cool Grammar Course Plan

This is what we will be doing the following 8 lessons.
I hope it will be an interesting and more fun way for you to learn about grammar.

1.modul: Ordklasser (morfologi)
- Lektie: ark om morfologi

2.modul: Sætningsanalyse (syntaks)
- Lektie: ark om sætningsled (syntaks)

3.modul: Kongruens
- Lektie: s.19-21 i fejlstøvsugeren

4.modul: hjælpeverber/modalverber + verbets tider
- Lektie: Do_Be_Have-skema og modalverber og verber

5.modul: Ing-former
- Lektie: ark om ing-former

6.modul: Adverbiernes og adjektivernes placering
- Lektie: ark om adverbiernes placering + ark om adjektivernes placering

7.modul: Stavning, false friends, artikler.

8. modul: Klassens modul ;-)
- Feel free to suggest activities for our final lesson.

Cool Grammar Getting Started

Hi everybody,

This is our new blog which we will be using for our new subject of Cool Grammar. You can use it to write about grammar, read and comment on what your class mates are writing, post pictures, videos and to give advice, criticise and evaluate on Cool Grammar as we go along.

In class I will ask you to use the blog actively and I encourage all of you to comment on the blog itself, the content or whatever you like as you are all part of creating this class blog.

I look forward to working with you all ;-)

Have fun!
